Recently, as per advisory launched by CIC, there has been a sudden spurt in Complaints About Misguidance for Canadian visa from various parts of world. The victims of such events have been continuously lodging their grievances with the authorities about such incidences. Although the authorities are quite strict about such activities, they can hardly do anything against those people who are not registered or approved; or are based in overseas locations. The authorities are also helpless in cases where the said perpetrators approach the victims online, and never declare or share information about their locations.
What is visa fraud as per CIC and what instances and events can be included in this activity termed as fraud? Well, it is frankly a very wide term and it embraces a wide variety of activities as listed:
Consider a practical situation when an ignorant and uninformed applicant approaches a Visa Consultancy Agency to avail expert services for Canada Immigration visa. Now when the individual walks into physical office or logs onto the web portal of such company, considering the depth of information he may be possessing, it is quite hard for a layman to understand intricacies of the laws and provisions that guide and control the visa grants.
In reality, nearly 99.99% of people are usually not expected to possess specialist knowhow about the technical and legal matters involved in visa application process and qualification parameters; how can they come to know about the genuineness of matters; and how can they detect when they are exposed to dangers of deception. But CIC cannot fully address Reviews & Complaints Regarding Misguidance For Immigration Canada as it does not have jurisdiction beyond its legal premise.
The people need to keep themselves safe from such miscreants by learning certain tricks and picking up some critical hints about how to detect first signs of incidents that help them differentiate between the good and goof up. Better prepare to handle this phase before actually applying for migration.
What is visa fraud as per CIC and what instances and events can be included in this activity termed as fraud? Well, it is frankly a very wide term and it embraces a wide variety of activities as listed:
- Luring clients into a trap by making false promises, sharing and propagating unsolicited information;
- Presenting oneself as a CIC approved agency
- Providing such details about laws and statutes of visa that are misleading and falsified;
- Making promises that may seem to be too good to be true;
- Encouraging formulation of details and documents that contain exaggerated details about qualifications, and which are made to fit the purpose and categories;
- Charging exorbitant fees for extending visa consultancy services and levying charges for every little process and form;
- Misguiding people about the possibilities of relocating to the Maple country in spite of the fact that the profiles of the applicants do not fit the scheme of things; and siphoning off money in form of money chargeable for such services. etc.
Consider a practical situation when an ignorant and uninformed applicant approaches a Visa Consultancy Agency to avail expert services for Canada Immigration visa. Now when the individual walks into physical office or logs onto the web portal of such company, considering the depth of information he may be possessing, it is quite hard for a layman to understand intricacies of the laws and provisions that guide and control the visa grants.
In reality, nearly 99.99% of people are usually not expected to possess specialist knowhow about the technical and legal matters involved in visa application process and qualification parameters; how can they come to know about the genuineness of matters; and how can they detect when they are exposed to dangers of deception. But CIC cannot fully address Reviews & Complaints Regarding Misguidance For Immigration Canada as it does not have jurisdiction beyond its legal premise.
The people need to keep themselves safe from such miscreants by learning certain tricks and picking up some critical hints about how to detect first signs of incidents that help them differentiate between the good and goof up. Better prepare to handle this phase before actually applying for migration.
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